UK’s highest court rules Deliveroo riders are not employees |Consensus HR Herts, Beds

The Supreme Court has ruled that people working for Deliveroo cannot be considered employees because they don’t have specified hours, can work for rival companies, and can appoint someone to work in their place. A case brought by the Independent Workers Union of Great Britain (IWUGB) argued that Deliveroo riders should have collective bargaining rights, but the Supreme Court ultimately ruled they cannot benefit from union membership as they do not meet the definition of a worker or employee. A Deliveroo spokesperson said: “UK courts repeatedly and at every level have confirmed that Deliveroo riders are self-employed, and this now includes the highest court in the country. This is a positive judgment for Deliveroo riders, who value the flexibility that self-employed work offers.” The IWUGB, which represents thousands of gig economy workers, said it was disappointed by the decision and was considering its options under international law.
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Our HR comments / advice: – UK’s highest court rules Deliveroo riders are not employees |Consensus HR Herts, Beds
Matthew P Chilcott, FCIPD, ACEL, Owner of Consensus HR comments: “The working status of a person has again been considered in a judgement by the Supreme Court in relation to Union Status. In the case ‘Independent Workers Union of Great Britain (Appellant) v Central Arbitration Committee (CAC) and another (Respondents) Case ID: 2021/0155 where the CAC refused to accept the Unions application to be recognised by Deliveroo for Collective bargaining interfere with the rights of Deliveroo riders to form and join a trade union under Article 11 of the European Convention of Human Rights. This is another prime example of when the employment status plays a major part in what Employment Law is applicable and refers me to the previous blogs, we have written on the subject that can be found below as Deliveroo drivers are Self Employed:
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