UK judge rules against FCA manager who wanted to work from home | Consensus HR – Herts, Beds

This case took place in Croydon – Case Number: 2302739/2023 and the full Judgment can be ready by clicking here.
Elizabeth Wilson, a senior manager at the Financial Conduct Authority, has had her demand to work from home full-time quashed by a judge, who said the regulator was within its rights to deny the request. Judge Robert Richter wrote in a judgement made last month and only just published: “It is the experience of many who work using technology that [remote working] is not well suited to the fast-paced interplay of exchanges which occur in, for example, planning meetings or training events when rapid discussion can occur on topics.” He also pointed to “a limitation to the ability to observe and respond to non-verbal communication which may arise outside of the context of formal events but which nonetheless forms an important part of working with other individuals.” Lawyers said they expect more legal disputes over the issue as employers increasingly demand staff spend more time in the office.
Our HR Comment: UK judge rules against FCA manager who wanted to work from home | Consensus HR – Herts, Beds
Matthew Chilcott, FCIPD, ACEL, Owner of Consensus HR comments: “This is an interesting story and we wait to see what affect it has on other people wishing to work from home full time since the Pandemic and now businesses wishing their teams to come back to the office. At Consensus HR, we have worked with a number of clients and their teams who have put in flexible working requests to work from home full time or for a few days a week and companies need to ensure that they manage these requests correctly to best practice and the law – Flexible Working Application pursuant to s.80F of the Employment Rights Act 1996 (as amended) (“the Act”). “
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