Gen Z workers may be feeling the strain more than anyone

Matthew Pinto-Chilcott, Owner of Consensus HR comments: “This is a very interesting article by Megan Carnegie in BBC Work life in relation to Gen Z and relates to our previous blog – ‘Young people seek to make friends. It would be seen that Gen Z do not have the confidence in the workplace as was the case with previous generations and need to be introduced to the company using different methods. It would seem from this article and other articles I have read recently that Gen Z need to be coached and supported more to feel part of the company and flexibility is key. It would also seem that the need for structured performance meetings (Appraisals) are key to ensure they feel part and well equipped in the company. More than ever, businesses need to ensure that they practice good HR and use best practice processes such as user-friendly inductions / performance reviews and coaching whilst ensuring that the team all know how important everyones roles are to the success of the business and team. What are your views?
NEWS ARTICLE: Gen Z workers may be feeling the strain more than anyone
BBC Work life wonders whether Gen Z is the most stressed generation in the workplace. According to Cigna International Health’s 2023 poll of almost 12,000 workers around the world, 91% of 18-to-24-year-olds report being stressed – compared to 84% on average. “In its essence, work is at a very uncertain time,” explains London-based Eliza Filby, a generational researcher, who advises companies on managing and recruiting people in their 20s. “There’s horrendous stress about layoffs for everyone.” Meanwhile, October 2022 data from McKinsey indicates that employed Gen Zers were more likely than other respondents (26% versus 20%) to report their pay did not enable them to have a “good quality of life.” And LinkedIn data suggests young workers feel ill-equipped in the workplace. The professional networking site’s data from December 2022 shows 18-to-25-year-olds to be the least confident out of all generations in their current job or role. Los Angeles-based Santor Nishizaki, an organisational leadership expert, says leaders can help take the strain off the youngest workers by building what he describes as a culture of purpose and impact. “Gen Zers want to work for an organisation that offers flexibility, a boss who is a coach and a mentor (rather than a technical expert), frequent communication and clarity on how their work creates a positive impact in the world,” he explains.

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