Regulator moves diversity reporting rules forward

Matthew Pinto-Chilcott, Owner of Consensus HR comments: “Well, they have been talking about this for some time and is definitely needed within business to help ensure at least that the fundamentals of the Equality Act (EQA)2010 are adhered to within the workplace and demonstrated publicly. All we (I) seem to write blogs on recently is what is covered under only one part of legislation and that being the Equality Act 2010 where awards are unlimited from day one of employment. In today’s workplace, we should not still be talking about what are protected characteristics under the EQA but ensuring we are recruiting and managing the right calibre of candidate for the role whilst continually ensuring that we keep our HR / business process to best practice and the law. I have been very fortunate in my years of managing teams, departments and sites within many sectors that by working constructively with the team, that we have been able to ensure through the correct user friendly HR and business Policies and Procedures that everyone has known what is expected whilst playing their part and being asked for their opinion when new systems are put in place and the repercussions should they need to be used. As I always say, it is not easy to manage, and Rome was not built in a day, but you need to see changes and the foundations being set.”
NEWS ARTICLE: Regulator moves diversity reporting rules forward
The Observer reports on the new gender and ethnic diversity reporting rules that listed companies will have to follow from this year. Under the Financial Conduct Authority’s rules, companies will have to disclose progress towards key benchmarks in their annual reports, including whether women make up at least 40% of the board; whether they hold any of the most senior roles; and whether at least one member of the board is from an ethnic minority. However, companies are only expected to explain why they might be falling short and are unlikely to be penalised if they fail to comply. Although the change seems mild to some, it will bring in three times the number of companies currently required to report diversity data.
The Observer