Divorcing staff could soon be given time off

Matthew Pinto-Chilcott, Owner, Consensus HR Comments: “They always say that there is nothing more stressful in life than a Divorce or moving house and it is interesting to see this scheme that several employers are backing under the Positive Parenting Alliance. Currently employees take leave or go sick when going through such circumstances and tend to be demotivated which is understandable but what about it from an employer perspective? Currently there is no legal obligation to give a set amount of time for a bereavement and is purely based on your employer and what has always been offered in such circumstances, but would a set policy help? Several employers seem to think so!!”
NEWS ARTICLE: Divorcing staff could soon be given time off
Several big UK employers including Tesco, Asda and NatWest are backing a scheme that gives time off to parents who are splitting up. Under the Positive Parenting Alliance’s scheme, employers will amend human resources policies, so a separation is given similar status to a family death or serious illness. Participating employers will provide leave or flexible working as well as access to support services, such as counselling. A poll of 200 workers by the alliance found 90% say their work was adversely affected when they divorced, while 95% reported that their mental health at work also suffered. Around three-quarters felt they were less efficient at work, while about 40% had taken time off because of their separation. Sir Andrew McFarlane, president of the family division of the High Court, says he hopes that other employers, including the civil service and NHS, will adopt the scheme.

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