Business and unions demand Sunak scraps..

Matthew Pinto-Chilcott, Owner of Consensus HR comments: -Business and unions demand Sunak scraps planned bonfire of EU rules – “This is a subject that has been in discussion since Brexit took place and the promises / suggestions that some Politicians made in relation to the benefits of no longer being part of the EU but as, yet no changes have been made. Depending on who you listen to, it goes from one extreme to the other. Total abolition of all employee rights, no access to the European Court to no, we will keep some of it and change little bits. The truth is, that until anybody begins to sift through the range of legislation that effects HR and businesses within the UK, nobody knows what to expect. Conversations I have heard randomly is the abolition of the Working Time Directive, a part of legislation that was / is only applicable to the UK and the restriction of employees only working 48hrs a week unless they opt out. We look forward to seeing the planned and actual changes when they do happen but do not expect it to be for a while but watch this space.”
Over a dozen organisations have called on UK prime minister Rishi Sunak to drop plans to automatically strip EU-derived legislation from the British statute book, arguing that it would cause “significant confusion and disruption.” In a letter sent to Grant Shapps, the business secretary, the alliance, including the Trades Union Congress, the Institute of Directors and the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, said: “Getting to grips with any resulting regulatory changes will impose a major new burden on business which it could well do without.” The letter says the proposal would overturn “decades of case law” and make the “interpretation of the law highly uncertain.” This could affect holiday pay, safe working hours and laws governing the labelling of some foodstuffs. Jacob Rees-Mogg, the former minister for Brexit opportunities, has previously praised the Retained EU Law Bill, saying it is vital to create distance between the UK and the EU.