Amazon to offer parents term-time-only working

Amazon to offer parents term-time-only working

Parents and grandparents who work in Amazon warehouses will be able to choose to work in term-time only. Amazon said the new contract will mean people with children to look after can take six weeks of holiday in summer and two weeks at Easter and at Christmas. Amazon’s regional operations director, Neil Travis, said he hopes the flexible working will encourage more people back into the workplace. “We spent a lot of time listening to our employees and one of the things that we were learning is that they really wanted more flexible opportunities,” Mr Travis said. He added that the contract still entitles people to full-time benefits. Amazon is offering the new contract just as it is trying to fight a bid by the GMB to be the first trade union in Europe to be recognised by the company. The union commented that, while flexible working is welcome, most workers want better wages. “What they’re telling us is they can’t live on poverty pay,” a union spokesperson said. Claire McCartney at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development notes that only 4% of workers have term-time working, commenting: “With the cost and availability of childcare causing huge challenges for working parents, term-time working is likely to have a positive impact on attraction and retention at a time when organisations are struggling with skills shortages.” 

BBC News

Our Comment: – Amazon to offer parents term-time-only working

Matthew Pinto-Chilcott – FCIPD, ACEL, Owner of Consensus HR comments: “This is a very interesting article from the BBC and especially with the continual news that parents are finding it hard to get childcare and the Government today announcing changes to help parents get back into work.  Flexible working is currently a right to all workers who have 26 weeks service and have only made one request in the past year.  Legislation is changing though with it currently going through the House of Commons with the proposal that employees can make two requests per year.  The difference in this instance though is different as Amazon are given people with children to look after can take six weeks of holiday in summer and two weeks at Easter and at Christmas which should make a vast difference as commented by our Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development and Claire McCarney”

Amazon to offer parents term-time-only working

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