Lights, camera, take action for World Mental Health Day | Consensus HR – Herts, Beds

Yesterday was World Mental Health Day – 10th October and the Health & Safety Executive as part of their Working Minds Campaign have written some great advice below:
Lights, camera, take action for World Mental Health Day
World Mental Health Day was marked on 10 October and has been celebrated for over 30 years. However, while awareness and acceptance of stress and mental health may be increasing, action – particularly prevention – is not.
This week, HSE’s Working Minds campaign calls for employers to take action to mark World Mental Health Day.
Stress, depression and anxiety are the number one cause of work-related ill health in Great Britain.
No matter the size or type of business, employers have a legal duty to ensure risks of stress and mental ill-health are considered in stress risk assessments and acted upon.
HSE has welcomed three new partners to its Working Minds campaign for the entertainment and leisure sector – an industry which by its very nature, is fast paced and changeable with many being self-employed, freelancers or contracted for set amounts of time.
Help is available
If you, or someone you know, needs help or support, reach out and ask how they are feeling and coping. We have guidance, resources and sources of support to help.
Sign up to support HSE’s Working Minds campaign to help drive positive change across Britain’s workplaces.

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