Employment law dates overview 22/23
Please find an Employment law dates overview 22/23 of all all the planned dates for Employment Law changes received from our Chartered Institute the CIPD.
This table shows changes that have taken or are soon to take place:
New NLW and NMW rates to be applied
1 April 2023 |
New NLW and NMW rates confirmed |
Statutory Maternity/Paternity/Adoption/Shared Parental/Parental Bereavement Pay
April 2023 |
Family friendly payment rates to increase, including SMP, SAP, ShPP, SPP and SPBP These will all increase from £156.66 per week to £172.48 New SSP, SMP etc pay rates for 2023/24 |
Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)
6 April 2023 |
The SSP rate will be increased: SSP will increase from £99.35 per week to £109.40. New SSP, SMP etc pay rates for 2023/24 |
Lower Earnings Limit
6 April 2023 |
The Lower Earnings Limit, the amount over which must be earned to qualify for many employment-related statutory payments, will remain the same at £123. New SSP, SMP etc pay rates for 2023/24 |
6 April 2023 |
Compensation limits, statutory guarantee pay and weekly redundancy payments (Rates to be confirmed) |
Kings Coronation
8 May 2023 |
Extra bank holiday to mark the Coronation of King Charles Bank holiday confirmed in honour of the King’s Coronation |
Previous Employment Law Updates
5 December 2022 |
Ban on exclusivity clauses was extended to employees on contracts with a guaranteed weekly income below or equivalent to the Lower Earnings Limit (LEL). |
6 November 2022 |
Repeal of health and social care levy The 1.25% NI contribution increase brought in on 6 April 2022 will be reversed. Payslips containing the message “slips “1.25% uplift in NICs funds NHS, health & social care” to be removed from this pay period. |
1 October 2022 |
A permanent system of digital right to work checks replaced temporary covid measures. |
22 September 2022 |
The new UK and London rates of the Real Living Wage were announced. |
21 July 2022 |
Legislation that prevented employers from engaging temporary workers to undertake duties normally performed by striking workers has been repealed, making it easier for employers to reduce the impact of industrial action. |
20 July 2022 |
Outcome in Harpur Trust v Brazel issued by the Supreme Court. This case confirms that part-year workers should not have their holiday pro-rata in accordance with the weeks they have worked; they are entitled to a full 5.6 every year. This case also rejected the use of 12.07% of hours worked in calculating leave and pay entitlement. This will impact especially those employers using ‘rolled up holiday pay’, and contracts will need to be changed in recognition of this. Morning forwards, holiday should be based on a 52 working week average. |
6 July 2022 |
National insurance primary threshold increased |
1 July 2022 |
More medical professionals are now able to certify fit notes, including nurses, occupational therapists, pharmacists, and physiotherapists, where they are working in a general practice or hospital setting. |
15 May 2022 |
Final date for implementation of voluntary living wage increase |
6 April 2022 |
Three-month “flexi-job” apprenticeship introduced |
6 April 2022 |
The lower earnings limit will increase for the first time in two years, to £123 |
6 April 2022 |
HMRC has asked that payslips include a message to say “1.25% uplift in NICs funds NHS, health & social care.” This is in place until 5 April 2023. |
6 April 2022 |
The following rates will increase: SSP rate Compensation limits, statutory guarantee pay and weekly redundancy payments National insurance contributions will increase by 1.25% |
6 April 2022 |
The ability to manually check the status of those with a biometric residence card or permit, or frontier work permit, was removed. Now, only online checks are possible. In order to complete these checks, employers need the individual’s date of birth and right to work share code. |
3 April 2022 |
Family friendly payment rates will increase, including SMP, SAP, ShPP, SPP and SPBP |
1 April 2022 |
National minimum wage rates increases Letter advising of pay increase Fit notes no longer have to be signed by a doctor |
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