Job vacancies slow amid fears for the economy 

International day of peace

Matthew Pinto-Chilcott, Owner of Consensus HR comments: Job vacancies slow amid fears for the economy  – “We have found lately when dealing with recruitment for clients that meeting the specific needs of them is becoming more complicated and specific with employers now wishing to have the ideal dream candidate.  We all want the perfect qualified, work experience and knowledgeable employee but businesses need to ensure that their recruitment strategies meet the needs of the business and the appropriate action taken.  Job Applicants are now having the opportunity to be picky on what jobs they apply for and as this article states, job vacancies have fallen to its lowest level in nearly two years.  Your business needs to ensure that its HR and business strategies make employees want to come to work and that you are an employer of choice despite the current financial constraints imposed upon you due to the current economic climate.  Retention of employees is vital to any business but also allowing employees to move on to pastures new, is also vital for businesses to ensure a flow of new blood and that your employees do not become clones that do not think outside the box!  The main thing for any business is to know that when somebody does leave your company that they are leaving for a positive reason and will remember their employment with you in a positive way, although which can sometimes be hard”

NEWS ARTICLE – Job vacancies slow amid fears for the economy : –

Growth in job vacancies fell to its lowest level in nearly two years in November as economic uncertainty led businesses to scale back hiring. The latest recruiter survey by KPMG and the Recruitment and Employment Confederation shows the rate of inflation in wages for new starters as well as temporary employees fell to its lowest level in a year and a half despite inflation being in double digits. Neil Carberry, chief executive of the confederation, said the latest results did not indicate that there had been a major slowdown in hiring. “While permanent recruitment activity has dropped from the very high levels of earlier in the year, the pace of that drop has tempered this month,” he said. Claire Warnes, partner at KPMG UK, warned that wage growth may fall in the coming months as employers cut back on plans to recruit new workers and employees stay put to maintain their job security.

The Times


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